Quitting smoking is once again one of the top New Year's resolutions in the UK, with nearly one in 10 Britons saying they'd like to crush the habit like a stinky cigarette butt in 2022, according to a new YouGov survey.
But unlike other top resolutions, like losing weight, getting fit or eating healthier, quitting smoking is something anybody can do with minimal effort these days, with a little help from their local vape shop.
Switching from smoking to vaping definitely counts as quitting smoking! As I've mentioned before, the NHS classes vaping as at least 95 percent safer than smoking, and is even considering prescribing e-cigs to smokers who are trying to quit.
In other words, experts say that switching from smoking to vaping is even better for you than cutting down from 10 cigarettes per day to just two! And imagine how easy it would be to stop smoking entirely if you could get down to only two a day.
And with the options available to people who are just taking up vaping, it's entirely possible to replicate the experience of smoking a cigarette with an e-cig -- minus the burning lungs, shortness of breath and smelly clothing, of course.
There are e-cigarettes and juices that can recreate the sensation of lightly puffing a menthol cigarette, that can create immense, fragrant clouds of delicious-ness, and everything in between -- check out my comprehensive Beginner's Guide to Vaping for a thorough run-down.
And! Not only is vaping better for your lungs and heart, it's better for your wallet than smoking -- and it holds even more benefits for women who are trying to give up smoking.
So study up, visit your local vape shop for advice, and get stuck in! Thanks to vaping, quitting smoking is one New Year's resolution you can be sure to keep.
Stephen “Tex” English: tex@thejuicewarehouse.co.uk; Insta: @tex_vapes